Shaw’s Plumbing and Heating can’t express enough how important it is to get a gas safe registered engineer to carry out gas work and to install any gas appliances such as a gas boiler, you can find a gas safe registered engineers at the Gas Safe Register website, this is where you will find Shaw’s plumbing and heating Gas and Heating Engineer.
A London landlord was jailed after illegally fitting a gas boiler himself and then he repeatedly tried to fix it three times after it developed a gas leak.
The tenants at the property continued to complain about the strong smell of gas thoughout the property despite a number of visits by the landlord to rectify the problem, in the end the tenants contacted National Grid who disconnected the gas supply, Gas Safe Registers investigations team found six faults with the installation, the landlord was jailed for 26 weeks and ordered to pay cost of £1852.00 in costs, the landlord was luck that noone got hurt but this just goes to show that you can’t mess around with gas.
If you have a gas leak at your property the first thing you should do is shut off your gas supply at the gas meter and contact your gas provider, for any Gas leak repairs or for a Boiler repair in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire contact Shaw’s Plumbing and Heating on 0800 8 247 585