The latest new figures for the green deal scheme has suggested that very few consumers are interested in taking out a loan to finance energy efficiency measures.
Six months after the scheme was released the statistics show that of the 38,259 assessments that had taken place only 4 households had energy efficiency classsigned up on to a green deal finance plan and another 241 more householders are said to be in the pipeline, this is a conversion rate of only 0.01%
Shaw’s plumbing and heating believe that this scheme requires improving if it is going to work as many customers who are looking to upgrade there old broken boiler to a energy efficient boiler like a Vaillant ecoTEC plus 831 combi boiler do not want to be without heating or hot water while they wait for an assessor to come round to carry out a assessment.
SPH believe that a simpler scheme which would allow consumers to claim after they have had the new boiler installed and did not require other energy efficiency measures to be carried out would be a much better scheme.
Many people believe that the scheme is still finding its legs and that the high number of assessments is a clear sign that many consumers are interested in making their homes more energy efficient.